Tuesday, September 28, 2010

にほんの ファッションざっし

わたしは にほんのふくが すきです。いいの ふくのざっしは ここに あります。まいつき きのくにやへ いきます。 にほんの ふく ざっしを 読みます。そこのふくは きれい です。だい すきです!

 これは にほんのファッションざっし SEDA です。

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


これは なん ですか。







all these images of たべもの are from a pretty old Japanese anime ちびまる子ちゃん by さくらももこ さん.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why I chose to study Japanese

To get at least 3 years‘ training in Japanese language is required by EALAC department for those who involves in a Ph.D program. Japanese language is regarded as a crucial tool for our future study into Chinese literature and history since Japanese scholars continuously make great contributions to this field.

Personally, I am interested in modern Japanese culture from popular thoughts, print culture to arts and designs, not to mention the exquisite local food, for which I once dreamed about walking into all the Japanese styled little restaurant in Tokyo! I am also curious about where the root of a real Japan lies. On a wabi and Sabi aesthetics? On a fear for insularity? Or, on a  relatively strict social order?.. I hope, after 2 or 3 years' work, I can make trips to Japan to find some possible answer and of course to indulge myself with all the cute and creative products made in Japan.

みんな こんにちは


はじめまして。わたしは Jing Zhang です。コロンビアだいがくの だいがくいんの いちねんせい です。ちゅうごくから きました。

よろしく お願いします。