Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Katakana Analysis Draft

Two katakana from magzine:

  • ポーズ          pose / noun, a loanword from English
  • キラキラ    glitter; sparkle; glisten; twinkle/onomatopoeia 

  • why there are such effects/purposes.

  • 1)This is clearly a loanword from English. What is interesting here is that: there should be a Japanese word for the meaning of pose or gesture though I do not know what it is. Why would people/this magazine use a loanword instead? At least from the source where I get this word, I see a young woman displaying her stretching Yoga pose.Considering the intended readers of this magazine, I guess the word is adopted by young westernized generation and has already been well incorporated into their daily lives just as how Hong Kong people use the word "pose".

    2)To mimic the sound of the sparkle to represent the shiny state. It is amazing how Japanese people found the kirakira sound. But maybe it come from the sound of burning charcoal fire where I have heard similar sounds.

  • why each textbook is different in explaining katakana, and why the textbooks explained katakana in the manners that they did.   

    •  I did not find such differences..if there are some, the reason could be different knowledge backgrounds and research approaches of the interpreters. After all, katakana themselves are phenomenon to be analyzed just as what we are doing here.

    Friday, October 22, 2010

    がんばて ください!

    せんしゅうとこんしゅうは midterm です。
    しけん と paper assignments が あります。
    みなさんは まいにち べんきょうします。とても いそがしいです。

    like どらえもん at work ~~~~

    Monday, October 11, 2010


    どようびに わたしは ともだちと デパートへ いきました。コロンビアだいがくから century 21まで ちかてつで いきました。くつとかばんを みました。でも なにも かいませんでした。それから わたしたちは flushingへ いきました。そこに ばんごはんを たべました。ちゅうごくのたべものを かいました。

    このしゃしんは flushingのしょくどうです。ここで ともだちと ばんごはんを たべました。